Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bush calls Roger Ailes 'our man' on Limbaugh's show

The Bush family (Bush 41, Bush 43 and Jeb) appeared on Limbaugh's radio show on August 1, 2008. During the nauseating love-fest where they congratulated each other and expressed their admiration for one another, Bush 41 let slip this nugget:

BUSH 41: Well, yeah. I'm kind of on the sidelines, but I can't do golf and all that stuff anymore. But life is good. It's wonderful, and it's great having the family up here in Maine, and all is well. Do you see our man Ailes at all?

RUSH: Oh, yeah. I saw Roger at Tony Snow's funeral.

BUSH 41: Oh, did you?

RUSH: And a couple of times earlier this summer.

BUSH 41: Are we on the radio, are we?

RUSH: (laughing)

BUSH 41: I didn't know that. I'll clean up my act here. I'm glad they told me.

Roger Ailes, our man? So much for Fair and Balanced.

Later, Keith Olbermann featured them on his Worst Persons list

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